Sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Alumni AssociationCalling all Little Jays! Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium scientists are dedicated to restoring our paradise lost. We have planted hundreds of thousands of corals onto Florida’s Coral Reef, tested new treatments for worldwide coral diseases, and above all, pioneered efforts to grow, breed, stress-test and preserve thousands of native genetic varieties of corals to ensure that restored reefs carry resilience in their very DNA.
The perspectives and opinions expressed by the speaker(s) during this program are those of the speaker(s) and not, necessarily, those of Johns Hopkins University.
Event DateThursday, April 10, 2025Start Time: 6:00pm EDT
ContactOffice of Alumni RelationsMarjorie HolmbergRegional & Young Alumni Programs(800) JHU-JHU1mholmbe2@jhu.edu
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