22nd Annual Research Matters Conference

22nd Annual Research Matters Conference
A Conference of the State Academic Centers
Supported by the Maryland Cigarette Restitution Fund


AI: Another Widget in the Cancer Toolbox
May 9, 2024
Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins 
Owens Auditorium and Pre-function Area 





Bill Nelson, MD, DSc   (mfounta3@jhmi.edu)
Professor of Oncology, Johns Hopkins (JH) School of Medicine (SOM)
Director, Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at JH

Taofeek K. Owonikoko, MD, PhD   (areinhard@som.umaryland.edu)
Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Professor of Oncology, University of Maryland (UMSOM)
Executive Director, Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center (UMGCCC)
Senior Associate Dean of Cancer Programs, UMSOM
Associate Vice President of Cancer Programs, University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB)

8:45-9:30am       KEYNOTE: 

KT Ramesh, PhD   (ramesh@jhu.edu)
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, JH Whiting School of Engineering
Director, Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute
Interim Co-Director, Data Science and AI Institute

9:30-10:45am    PANEL: Prospects for improved imaging using AI

Linda Chu, PhD    (lchu1@jhmi.edu)
Associate Professor of Radiology Diagnostic  Imaging, JH SOM

Elliot K Fishman, MD   (efishman@jhmi.edu)
Professor of Radiology-Diagnostic Radiology; Oncology; and Surgery, JH SOM

Jean Jeudy, MD  (jjeudy@som.umaryland.edu)
Professor of Radiology and Vice Chair of Informatics, UM SOM

Lei Ren, PhD, DABR, FAAPM   (lren@som.umaryland.edu)
Professor and Associate Chief of Physics Research, Department of Radiation Oncology, UM SOM

10:45-11:00am   BREAK

11:00 -12:15pm  PANEL: Advancing cancer medicine with AI

James M Berger, PhD   (jmberger@jhmi.edu)
Professor of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry, JH SOM
Director, Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences

Bradley A. Maron, MD   (bmaron@som.umaryland.edu)
Senior Associate Dean for Precision Medicine
Professor of Medicine, UM SOM
Executive Co-Director, UM Institute for Health Computing 

David J. Weber, PhD  (dweber@umaryland.edu)
Professor of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, & Medicine, UM SOM
Director, Center for Biomolecular Therapeutics, UM
Co-Director, Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research
Co-Director, Molecular & Structural Biology Program
Co-Director, Structural Biology Shared Service, UM MSGCCC

Cynthia Wolberger, PhD   (cwolberg@jhmi.edu)
Director and Professor of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry, JH SOM


12:15-12:30pm   WRAP-UP  Taofeek Owonikoko, MD and Bill Nelson, MD, DSc


12:30-1:30pm     LUNCH AND NETWORKING 


If parking: We are located in the Bunting-Blaustein Cancer Research Building 1 (CRB1). There is visitor parking in the McElderry parking garage off of Caroline Street near the Outpatient Center (JHOC).   After exiting the pedestrian entrance for the parking garage (where the tickets are stamped and paid), turn right (now facing South) and see the Cancer Research complex a few hundred feet ahead just beyond an open loading dock area - the Cancer Research buildings 1 and 2 are connected by a walk way (there is a little plaza right in front of the walkway with a wood trellis and some outdoor tables with umbrellas. CRB1 is the one on the left. Walk down the stairs from the garage entrance (about 10 stairs hugging the garage), across the loading dock parking area, then up around left (see a brick walkway and go into the front door of CRB1 (there will be a cul-de-sac in front of the entrance).  Sign in with the security guard.


If coming by Subway: Come up from the Subway to Broadway. Upon exiting, proceed to street corner (Broadway and Madison) and cross Broadway. Walk down the driveway, which is to the right. Pass the first building and enter the second building on the left, CRB I (Bunting). You will encounter a guard station where you will be directed to the Owens Auditorium.


If you are entering from CRB-1 (Koch Cancer Research Building), this is the door you will enter from. There is another door on the other side of the building (connected to this building) that is the CRB-2 entrance.



 Event Date
Thursday, May 9, 2024
Start Time: 8:00am EST
End Time: 1:30pm EST

Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center

401 North Broadway
Baltimore, MD 21287


Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center
Shannon Shamosh