JHSON Virtual Nursing Grand Rounds: Ensuring Breastfeeding Success in a Market-Driven World: The 2023 Lancet Breastfeeding Series

JHSON Virtual Nursing Grand Rounds: Ensuring Breastfeeding Success in a Market-Driven World: The 2023 Lancet Breastfeeding Series

The Johns Hopkins School of Nursing in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Nurses' Alumni Association, will offer a monthly Virtual Nursing Grand Rounds Continuing Nursing Education Series, providing an educational program led by top researchers from around the world.

In this month’s grand rounds, Dr. Cecilia Tomori will discuss the health impacts of breastfeeding across the life course and the key determinants of breastfeeding success, how typical human infant behavior is reframed by commercial milk formula marketing to increase profits, the elements of the commercial milk formula marketing playbook that undermine breastfeeding, and how to implement enabling and equitable systems to support breastfeeding.

The Virtual Nursing Grand Rounds Series will offer attendees one free education credit upon completion of a post-event quiz after each session, with the goal of fulfilling the JHSON’s mission of providing lifelong learning for health care professionals within the community. 

The Virtual Nursing Grand Rounds Series is sponsored by the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing Center for Cardiovascular and Chronic Care, and the Johns Hopkins Nurses' Alumni Association. The Center for Cardiovascular and Chronic Care works to significantly reduce cardiovascular health disparities through community engagement, scientific investigation, education, and policy initiatives. The Johns Hopkins Nurses' Alumni Association builds upon the foundation laid by generations of Hopkins nurses, sponsoring programs, preserving history and connecting alu

 Event Date
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Start Time: 11:30am EDT
End Time: 1:00pm EDT



JHSON Office of Development and Alumni Relations