Unconventional: Understanding the Democrats' Extraordinary Summer

Unconventional: Understanding the Democrats' Extraordinary Summer

Presented by Hopkins at Home and The SNF Agora Institute at Johns Hopkins University 

The dizzying recent course of events in American politics has left many people asking: how did things get to this point, and what happens next? JHU professor of political science Daniel Schlozman, an expert on party politics, is joined by Caroline Grey '06, 2023 JHU Public Service Award recipient, to discuss this summer's election cycle – in particular the unprecedented developments in the Democratic Party – and where things will go from here to the Democratic National Convention and the election.

Disclaimer: The perspectives and opinions expressed by the speaker(s) during this program are those of the speaker(s) and not, necessarily, those of Johns Hopkins University and the scheduling of any speaker at an alumni event or program does not constitute the University’s endorsement of the speaker’s perspectives and opinions. 
Johns Hopkins University is a 501(c)(3) not for profit entity and cannot endorse or oppose any candidate for public office. 
Grey is participating in this panel in her personal capacity, and not on behalf of the Department of Energy or the federal government. Her comments are her personal opinions only.

 Event Date
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Start Time: 6:00pm EST
End Time: 7:00pm EST

Virtual Livestream

Hopkins at Home

Office of Alumni Relations
Joe Letourneau
Hopkins at Home
(800) JHU-JHU1