Lessons for Today from Nine Greats Who Helped Create Hopkins Medicine

Brought to you by Hopkins at Home
July 1, 2020 - July 22, 2020 (4 weeks)
Wednesdays, 5:00 PM - 6:00PM EDT
The founding of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine fundamentally changed medicine in America. In the blink of an eye, medicine was transformed from a trade practiced by poorly educated craftsmen, to a science practiced by highly educated physicians. While this transformation may seem perfectly obvious in retrospect, the challenges were significant. This four-part, lecture-based course will tell the story of the founding of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and will be told through the lives of nine extraordinary individuals- John Shaw Billings, Mary Elizabeth Garrett, William Halsted, Jesse Lazear, William Osler, Helen Taussig, Vivien Thomas and William Welch. Each faced enormous challenges and had unimaginable impact. There are many lessons to learn from the way they each lived their lives.
Join Dr. Ralph Hruban, Director of Pathology and Distinguished Alumnus, as he guides you through the inspirational journeys of these early Hopkins leaders. Together, share in their personal stories and discuss the ways in which the lessons of history can prepare us to face life's challenges.