POSTPONED:“Portraits: Conversations on Imposter Syndrome”

POSTPONED:“Portraits: Conversations on Imposter Syndrome”

Sponsored by Women of Hopkins (WOH) !

Portraits are images that convey both how we see ourselves and how we appear to the world. Much like portraits, imposter syndrome can cloud perceptions and cause us to question our capabilities, particularly when perception does not match reality.

Whether we are young or a seasoned veteran; a virtuoso; author; physician; professor; or business executive; a mom, sister, or daughter; many of us have crossed paths with it.

Join Dr. Meg Urry A &S '84, a prolific author and an outspoken advocate for gender equity in Science, for our December discussion. She will share insights from her academic and professional journeys on breaking gendered barriers and transforming the world of modern Astronomy. 

The presentation will be held via Zoom and there will be time for Q&A from attendees.

* We are happy to offer a 30% discount to order Dr. Urry's book, The Sky is for Everyone. Please visit the Princeton University Press website, and use code TWE30.

 Event Date
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Start Time: 6:00pm EST

Office of Alumni Relations