Green Up Your Life: Learn Practical Action Items for Living a Greener, Less Toxic Life for You, Your Family, and Our Planet

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The environmental crisis is, in reality, a spiritual crisis born of our disconnection and separation from the natural world from which we evolved, and that sustains us and gifts us all we need to thrive. When we connect to our hearts, bodies and the natural world, our words and actions become more authentic and have more integrity. In order to have integrity and honor the natural world, our actions have to match our words. We have to walk the walk.
Join us and learn how to make changes, big and small, that count. These things count and matter. Invite others to join you in making these essential changes. Let’s start an avalanche of change that can’t be denied or reversed.
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Webinar ID: 912 9858 4971
Skye Raiser (SAIS '93), Founder & CEO, Green Up Your Life, LLC
Skye has been an environmentalist all her life. Over the past 15 years, she has studied the sources of human low-level exposure to toxins and chemicals that we all encounter through our food, cosmetics, beauty supplies, and home furnishings and décor. She was particularly compelled to investigate when she faced personal health issues that regular doctors could not identify nor treat.
Skye talked with toxicologists, read scientific studies, studied food systems, agricultural methods, ecology, and worked with and drew knowledge from organizations such as the Environmental Working Group, the Nature Conservancy, DC Greens, Project Drawdown, and others. She believes in the purchase power of people to change the market, our products, and the world.
She holds a BA from the University of Virginia, a MA from Johns Hopkins University, and has an executive degree from Columbia University’s Earth Institute Center for Environmental Sustainability with a concentration on Food Systems.
Skye is an urban farmer, growing dozens of species of fruits, vegetables, and herbs at her home in Washington, DC. She considers herself a Multi-Species Herd Manager, taking care of 3 kids, 3 dogs, and 3 horses.
Connect with Skye and Green Up Your Life:
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Instagram - @greenupyourlife
Facebook - @greenupco
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Jessica Bast, Sustainability Outreach Coordinator, JHU's Office of Sustainability
Jessica manages engagement and educational programs for students, faculty, and staff that focus on strengthening participation in sustainability initiatives and general understanding of sustainability principles. Her passion for sustainability sparked early on, guiding her to graduate from Elon University with a B.A. in Environmental Studies and from the University of Pennsylvania with a Master’s in Environmental Studies, where she conducted her capstone research in collaboration with Penn’s Sustainability Office.