Managing Overwhelm with Abbie Somma (SAIS '02)

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Ping. Buzz. Zap. Brrring. Just think about how many channels there are to reach us in this modern age! Living in an era where it feels like we're constantly connected, it's natural to confront feelings of overwhelm. When the to-do list grows and grows, sometimes the best thing we can do is come back to ourselves.
Join Abbie Somma (SAIS '02) for a session on Managing Overwhelm. Learn tips and techniques to manage the overwhelm in your life, as well as practice a meditation intended to bring a sense of calm to your day. This session will have an optional breakout group with one or two partners. This program will be presented on Zoom. The link will be provided to you in advance of the program.
The Mindful Goods is offering a two week trial membership! Please, sign up HERE.
One simple definition of mindfulness is "being present" with whatever arises with a sense of kindness and curiosity. It sounds simple, but learning to settle and focus the mind can be extremely powerful. During the unprecedented challenges we face as a global community, many people are turning to mindfulness and other types of meditation as constructive tools for enhanced well-being and focus.
Multiple studies have shown that mindfulness and meditation support increased self-awareness, better ability to manage emotions and greater attention control. Long-term practitioners also report better decision-making and creativity, while employers claim that mindfulness programs lead to a more engaged and satisfied workforce. In recent years, mindfulness programs have become a staple in many companies. As of 2016, 22% of companies (including Google, Aetna, General Mills, LinkedIn, etc.) had active programs and interest continues to rise. Mindfulness in the workplace has also made it into public institutions like the British Parliament, the US Congress and the Bhutanese Civil Service.
Abigail (Abbie) Somma (SAIS '02)
Abigail Somma (Abbie) offers coaching and training in mindfulness and emotional intelligence. She works with individuals and organizations, optimizing results by creating more connected, engaged and creative workplaces. Ms. Somma has facilitated for groups in Vienna, New York, London and Bratislava, and has teacher-training certificates from the Nalanda Institute of Contemplative Science (NYC) and Search Inside Yourself (San Francisco). While she believes institutions have a role in promoting peace, she has come to believe that peace comes to the world one person at a time. Please find more information at
Disclaimer: The perspectives and opinions expressed by the speaker(s) during this program are those of the speaker(s) and not, necessarily, those of Johns Hopkins University and the scheduling of any speaker at an alumni event or program does not constitute the University’s endorsement of the speaker’s perspectives and opinions.