Gun Control and the Second Amendment with James Astrachan


Lifelong Learning LogoCourse Title: Gun Control and the Second Amendment

Instructor:  James Astrachan

Brought to you by Odyssey   

August 26, 2024 - Sept 30, 2024 (6 Sessions)  

Monday,  6:00PM ET - 7:00PM ET  

Virtual via Zoom 



Course Description: This course delves into the meaning and application of the Second Amendment and the landmark United States Supreme Court decisions in District of Columbia v. Heller and New York State Rifle & Pistol Ass’n. v. Bruen. 

We will study judicial interpretations of the right to possess and bear arms under the Second Amendment. We will explore historical control of firearms in England, the Colonies, the “Wild West,” racially driven gun control legislation and modern regulation of guns. Finally, we will address whether we have a ‘gun problem’ in the U.S. and, if yes, possible solutions.


Johns Hopkins Tuition Remission Policies  

Johns Hopkins alumni, staff, faculty and their spouse or domestic partners are eligible for tuition remission for Odyssey lifelong learning courses. Select the correct ticket pricing during registration. If we cannot confirm your eligibility, you will be requested to pay the full registration price for the course.  Eligibility details can be found here. 

Withdrawals & Refunds: 

If a course is canceled or closed, the registrant is notified immediately, and a full refund is processed automatically unless another course is requested. Registrants who wish to withdraw from an active course must complete the online Odyssey Refund Request Form. Attach any documentation to support your request (e.g., medical documentation, family crisis documentation, etc.). 

100% refund- Prior to the start of the course. 

50% refund- During the first week of the course. 

No refunds will be given after the first week of each course unless in exceptional cases. 

Please note, refunds apply only to the tuition portion of an Odyssey participant’s charges and are not applicable to any fees or gifts made to the Johns Hopkins Alumni Association. Registrants will be notified by email if a refund is approved within (5) business days. 

ABOUT James Astrachan

Jim Astrachan is a lawyer and an adjunct law professor. Among the courses he has taught are GUN CONTROL,  and THE SECOND AMENDMENT, which he has taught at UB Law School. He has taught courses at the Odyssey Program and Washington College’s adult learning program over the years. He is the author of papers and a law review article on the subject of the Second Amendment and has participated in briefing cases on gun issues before various courts.

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 Event Date
Monday, August 26, 2024
6:00pm EDT

Monday, September 30, 2024
7:00pm EDT

1-800-JHU-JHU1 (548-5481)

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