AI & Data Science in U.S. Tech, Finance and Healthcare with Yun Gong, A&S '17 (MA)


Lifelong Learning LogoCourse Title: AI & Data science in U.S. Tech, Finance and Healthcare

Instructor:  Yun Gong, A&S '17 (MA)

Brought to you by Odyssey   

August 28, 2024 - October 2, 2024 (6 Sessions)  

Wednesday,  9:00AM ET - 11:00AM ET  

Virtual via Zoom 



Offered as part of the Fall 2024 Odyssey Alumni Academy - courses exclusively for alumni and taught by esteemed members of our alumni community and faculty. 

Course Description: Dive deep into lectures and discussions uncovering the fundamentals and nuances of AI and data science, hear about Yun Gong’s personal career path, and the pivotal roles of mentorship and networking in professional growth. Whether you are at the beginning of your program or about to graduate, Yun Gong's insights will enlighten and inspire, providing invaluable guidance for navigating the dynamic landscape of data-driven industries. Tune in to gain a strategic edge and chart your course towards success in the ever-evolving realm of data science in tech and healthcare.


Johns Hopkins Tuition Remission Policies  

Johns Hopkins alumni, staff, faculty and their spouse or domestic partners are eligible for tuition remission for Odyssey lifelong learning courses. Select the correct ticket pricing during registration. If we cannot confirm your eligibility, you will be requested to pay the full registration price for the course.  Eligibility details can be found here. 

Withdrawals & Refunds: 

If a course is canceled or closed, the registrant is notified immediately, and a full refund is processed automatically unless another course is requested. Registrants who wish to withdraw from an active course must complete the online Odyssey Refund Request Form. Attach any documentation to support your request (e.g., medical documentation, family crisis documentation, etc.). 

100% refund- Prior to the start of the course. 

50% refund- During the first week of the course. 

No refunds will be given after the first week of each course unless in exceptional cases. 

Please note, refunds apply only to the tuition portion of an Odyssey participant’s charges and are not applicable to any fees or gifts made to the Johns Hopkins Alumni Association. Registrants will be notified by email if a refund is approved within (5) business days. 

ABOUT Yun Gong

Yun graduated with the highest honor in B.S. Math and Economics from University of Southern California (where she was also a championed debater and public speaker) and entered the Economics PhD program at Johns Hopkins University with the highest scholarship specializing in applied microeconomics and labor markets. During her time at Hopkins, she taught Elements of Microeconomics as the main instructor and received top student ratings.
Since then, Yun has been pursuing her passions in research and data science in tech. She was a Senior Data Scientist at LinkedIn in Silicon Valley and at CVS health in New York, functioning as a tech lead where she led major projects on core products in job search, job candidate management, job seekers, and healthcare client acquisition incorporating the latest AI and machine learning technology, successfully increasing engagement of 900 millions LinkedIn users and 4X client acquisition success at CVS Health. Yun is a proud representative and key speaker in conferences for Women in Tech. She has worked with JHU Life Design lab filming a podcast episode, sharing her wealth of knowledge amassed over 10 years of experience in data modeling experience in applied economics research and industry in the United States. Yun is currently an entrepreneur focusing on data science driven quant fund and tech education.

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 Event Date
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
9:00am EDT

Wednesday, October 2, 2024
11:00am EDT

1-800-JHU-JHU1 (548-5481)

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Thank you for your interest in Odyssey. This course is now closed. For questions, please contact