Lunch with the Libraries & Museums - Sharing Knowledge: Public Humanities and Black Baltimore

Sponsored by the Sheridan Libraries & University Museums, the Friends of the Johns Hopkins University Libraries, and the Arts, Entertainment, Media, and Entrepreneurship Affinity
Join us as Dr. Joseph Plaster discusses public humanities initiatives that draw on the Sheridan Libraries’ special collections of rare books, manuscripts, and archives and connect them to struggles for Black liberation in Baltimore. Public humanities – the work of bridging knowledge produced in the academy and knowledge produced by larger publics – can take the form of participatory action research, exhibitions, oral history, performance, and other cultural productions. Dr. Plaster will focus on the Peabody Ballroom Experience and Inheritance Baltimore: Humanities and Arts Education for Black Liberation.
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Webinar ID: 941 5503 9043
Dr. Joseph Plaster, Director, The Winston Tabb Special Collections Research Center, & Curator, Public Humanities, Sheridan Libraries & University Museums
Dr. Joseph Plaster is Director of the Winston Tabb Special Collections Research Center and Curator in Public Humanities for the Sheridan Libraries & University Museums. In this capacity, Plaster advances original research and public scholarship by connecting faculty, students, and the larger Baltimore community to the Libraries and Museums’ special collections of rare books, manuscripts, and archives. His public humanities projects include the Peabody Ballroom Experience, a collaboration with Baltimore’s ballroom community, a performance-based art culture comprising gay, lesbian, and trans people of color; a youth-led course archiving the history of Baltimore’s black arts and entertainment district; and an Engaged Humanities public speaker series. Plaster is part of a team of JHU recipients of a $4.4 million grant from the Mellon Foundation supporting “Inheritance Baltimore: Humanities and Arts Education for Black Liberation.” Plaster completed his PhD in American Studies at Yale University.