Women & Work: COVID's Impact and The Return to the Office

Sponsored by the Women of Hopkins Affinity, the Johns Hopkins Life Design Lab, and The Penn Club Women in Business
Join our panel as we discuss how the pandemic impacted women in the workforce. We'll also discuss managing the return to work, professional and emotional perspectives, and how it will impact women. This program will be presented on Zoom.
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Questions may be submitted in advance of the program. If you have a question you'd like addressed, please email your question to Jamie Seward, Associate Director of Affinity Engagement, at JSeward@jhu.edu. Thank you!
Monica Kang (SAIS '13), Founder and CEO, InnovatorsBox®, Author, Rethink Creativity
Monica H. Kang is the Founder & CEO of InnovatorsBox® and the Author of Rethink Creativity: How to Innovate, Inspire and Thrive and Work and Have You Seen My Friends?. An internationally recognized expert in workplace creativity, she facilitates culture transformation, leadership development, and team building in a way that is fun, actionable, and relatable. Monica works with clients worldwide including Fortune 500 companies, higher education, government, and nonprofits. Her work has been recognized by The White House, Ashoka Changemakers, National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC), and Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC). Prior to InnovatorsBox®, Monica was a nuclear nonproliferation policy expert. She holds an M.A. from SAIS Johns Hopkins University in Strategic Studies and International Economics and a B.A. from Boston University.
Jane Sandbank, Ed.D., Founder and CEO, Jane Sandbank Group
Jane Sandbank, Ed.D. is Founder and CEO of janesandbankgroup: Transforming Leadership. Dr. Sandbank currently consults to school districts and professional organizations on Leadership Development, Strategic Planning and is a trainer, program developer and coach affiliated with the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. Both as a school superintendent emerita and an adjunct professor in Organizational /Behavior and Leadership at Teachers College, Columbia University, her workshops and presentations combine her work in academia, public education and positive psychology. She currently presents workshops in Social Emotional Intelligence to educational leaders, non-profits, and corporate executives. She is currently Chair of the THIRTEEN Educational Services Advisory Committee (ESAC).
Nettie Owens, CPO-CD® (Engineering '01), Founder and CEO, Momentum Accountability
Nettie Owens, CPO-CD® is an internationally recognized and award-winning expert and sought after speaker on accountability and productivity. Owens’ methodologies are brain-based, researched and backed by science. Through training, speaking, coaching, blogging, and over 75 video interviews on “What Businesses Need To Know Right Now,” she brings over 15 years worth of ideas on productivity, accountability, simple, authentic living, parenting, and environmental awareness to the community and beyond.
Dara Iserson (SAIS '09), Founder, Total Rebrand
Dara Iserson is a seasoned veteran in coaching and mentoring job seekers, entrepreneurs and Fortune 500 companies. She has over 15 years of experience in International Trade, Finance and Investment in both the public and private sector. Her experience consulting entrepreneurs and corporate leaders on creating compelling brands makes her a master at driving them to achieve their highest potential. As the founder of Total Rebrand, Dara has translated her entrepreneurship and professional development experience to format resumes and business plans as well as mentor, coach and empower over 100+ people and companies in 15 countries globally.
Tessa McKenzie, Assistant Director, Life Design Lab, Johns Hopkins University
Tessa W. McKenzie, certified as a Designing Your Life Coach and as Career Coach by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), embarks on private practice (Envisage Vocation Creation) after over a decade of experience in training, nonprofit capacity building, and branding. Currently serving as President-elect of the Maryland Career Development Association (MCDA), Tessa is Life Design Educator with Johns Hopkins University’s Krieger School of Arts and Sciences. Prior to coaching, Tessa was Public Education Officer at the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC) and served in numerous capacities, including as an AmeriCorps volunteer, regarding outreach and immigrant advocacy.
Tessa is a survivor of Autoimmune Encephalitis (swelling of the brain). Serving as Chief Resilience Officer of at the International Autoimmune Encephalitis Society (IAES), Tessa promotes disease awareness and support AE warriors through "resilience" education. In her spare time, Tessa has taught English to speakers of other languages and is a licensed foster parent.
Disclaimer: The perspectives and opinions expressed by the speaker(s) during this program are those of the speaker(s) and not, necessarily, those of Johns Hopkins University and the scheduling of any speaker at an alumni event or program does not constitute the University’s endorsement of the speaker’s perspectives and opinions.