Women of Hopkins LA: Navigating Challenging Conversations and Other True Tales

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At some point in time everyone will find they are faced with the challenge of a difficult conversation or situation. Maybe it’s giving feedback to a member of your team, asking for a raise, or responding to a neighbor when they’ve put you in an uncomfortable position or taken you off guard. It can seem daunting. There are so many different thoughts and feelings that emerge when the phrase “difficult conversations” is uttered, and what’s difficult and uncomfortable is unique to each of us.
No matter what your version might be, what matters most is how you choose to manage and respond to (or avoid) the situation.
Join fellow alums for a dynamic and open conversation to explore strategies to approach and reframe “difficult” interactions. Learn from each other and share the tools you employ to diffuse situations, resolve potential conflicts, and help you to achieve your end goals.
Please share your challenging conversations and questions for our discussion in advance by emailing affinity@jhu.edu.